bash script to convert bvr files
to Mp4
I was looking for a method to convert .bvr files to mp4 without using up my Blue Iris camera servers processor. Currently I’m running an 4th gen i5 processor. So it is not a workhorse compared to some other machines on my network.
Note: This is a work in progress.
If there is a better way, shoot me an email: james @ strickstuff [dot] com
#!/bin/bash # # Script to convert .bvr files to mp4 using ffmpeg # NOTE: this is still a work in progress # I am still working on the ffmpeg switches # to make this work better. But it works fine # as is. # # # First pass & remove files as you convert them. ##!/bin/bash for vid in *.bvr; do ffmpeg -probesize 42M -framerate 30 -i $vid -vcodec copy -an -bsf:v h264_mp4toannexb "${vid%.*}.h264" && rm $vid; done # # Second pass, # for h264 in *.h264; do ffmpeg -i $h264 "${h264%.*}.mp4" && rm $h264; done # # This just merges all mp4s in the directory into a single file # remove (or comment out) if not needed. # [ -e list.txt ] && rm list.txt for f in *.mp4 do echo "file $f" >> list.txt done ffmpeg -f concat -i list.txt -c copy joined-out.mp4 && rm list.txt