Here’s the assignment for Lab3. The next class session will show us .

Public Class frmCompare

    'CREATED:    10/15/2014
    'CREATED BY: James Strickland
    'CLASS:      COP2010 - 090898
    'PURPOSE:    Write a Windows Application
    '            program that inputs
    '            three different integers
    '            and displays results
    '            in a listbox

    ' Declare variables
    ' inum=InputNumber
    Dim inum1, inum2, inum3 As Integer

    ' onum=OutputNumber
    Dim onum1, onum2, onum3, max, min As Integer

    Private Sub frmCompare_Load(sender As Object, _
                                e As EventArgs) _
                            Handles MyBase.Load

        ' Hide the "About" label at form load
        lblAbout.Visible = False

    End Sub

    Private Sub btnGo_Click(sender As Object, _
                        e As EventArgs) _
                        Handles btnExe.Click

        ' The following code is executed 
        ' when the EXECUTE button is pressed

        ' Get the users 3 numbers and load
        ' them into the 3 input variables
        inum1 = txtInput1.Text
        inum2 = txtInput2.Text
        inum3 = txtInput3.Text

        ' Clear list box encase user wants to 
        ' repeat program without scrolling 
        ' down listbox.

        ' Display numbers as user entered them
        ' seperated by comma
        LstBoxResults.Items.Add("Numbers in User Order:")
        LstBoxResults.Items.Add(inum1 & ", " & inum2 & ", " & inum3)
        LstBoxResults.Items.Add("") ' simply creates a space between answers

        ' Display Sum of users entered numbers
        LstBoxResults.Items.Add("Sum of numbers:") ' Displays to user
        LstBoxResults.Items.Add(inum1 + inum2 + inum3) ' does the math
        LstBoxResults.Items.Add("") ' simply creates a space between answers

        ' Display Average of numbers
        LstBoxResults.Items.Add("Average of Numbers:") ' Displays to user
        LstBoxResults.Items.Add((inum1 + inum2 + inum3) \ 3) ' does the math
        LstBoxResults.Items.Add("") ' simply creates a space between answers

        ' Display Product of numbers
        LstBoxResults.Items.Add("Product of numbers:") ' Displays to user
        LstBoxResults.Items.Add(inum1 * inum2 * inum3) ' Does the math
        LstBoxResults.Items.Add("") ' simply creates a space between answers

        ' Display Largest of the 3 numbers
        LstBoxResults.Items.Add("Largest of the 3:")
        max = inum1 ' Init variable mas a first number entered, the compare below...

        If inum2 > max Then
            max = inum2 ' inum2 greater than max, init max as inum2 (inum2 is smaller)
        End If

        If inum3 > max Then
            max = inum3 ' inum3 greater than max, init max as inum3 (inum3 is smaller)
        End If

        LstBoxResults.Items.Add("") ' simply creates a space between answers

        ' Display Smallest of the 3 numbers
        LstBoxResults.Items.Add("Smallest of the 3:")
        min = inum1 ' init min as inum1

        If inum2 < min Then
            min = inum2 ' inum2 less than min, init min as inum2 (inum2 is bigger)
        End If

        If inum3 < min Then
            min = inum3 ' inum3 less than min, init min as inum3 (inum3 is bigger)
        End If

        LstBoxResults.Items.Add(min) ' Display results of min
        LstBoxResults.Items.Add("") ' simply creates a space between answers

    End Sub

    ' Close/Exit the program
    Private Sub btnExit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
                              ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
                              Handles btnExit.Click

    End Sub

    Private Sub btnAbout_Click(sender As Object, _
                               e As EventArgs) _
                               Handles btnAbout.Click
        ' The below code hides the form content and 
        ' displays information about the programmer
        ' (when the user presses the "about" button)
        ' which happens to be me. For those who does
        ' not know me, I am a big deal around here..
        ' I mean, I didn't want to say nuthin.......

        ' Clear Form
        btnExe.Visible = False
        lblEnterNumbers.Visible = False
        lblInstruction.Visible = False
        txtInput1.Visible = False
        txtInput2.Visible = False
        txtInput3.Visible = False
        LstBoxResults.Visible = False

        ' About Programmer
        lblAbout.Visible = True

    End Sub

End Class


Today I received a phone call at 5:24PM (CST) from (281) 593-3503 showed up on caller ID as Cleveland, TX.

This is the 2nd call from this person, who had a strong foreign accent. The first time I received a call from him, I told him I wasn’t interested and hung up. This time I was bored, so decided to go along with him.

Here’s how the conversation went:

He started out by telling me he has been monitoring infected files on my computer. He then asked me is my computer connected to the internet.
I said yes.

He asked what I seen on my screen, I said google

He asked me to close the window and press <windows/flag> key and “R”, I complied.







He asked me what I saw, I told him the run screen.

He asked me to type “inf hiddenfiles” then asked me if I knew what it was, I said no. then pressed enter after he instructed me to.

This opened a window



He then asked me if I knew what these files were, I said no.  He said that they were a list of infected files. These are infact driver information files (windows/inf)

Then then asked me to go to a website by way of <win/flag> + R (run command) ( )








Then he asked me to download teamviewer and install it on my computer.  Since There was no way  I was going to give him access to my computer, I went ahead and pulled the plug.

I asked him, since he seen infected files from my computer, what was the IP address of my computer.  He didn’t have an answer.  I then asked him who my ISP was, he didn’t have an answer… I figured I spent enough time of the phone with this idiot… so I told him I knew what he was up to and was reporting it to the authorities.  He said go ahead, then hung up.

Now, here’s some relevant data for us geeks:

Who is for the website hosting the probably viruses:

I’m not being paid to do this, so I’m not going to load the files and see what wireshark shows… and perhaps trace the IP, which I would assume would be in a foreign country.

Bottom line everyone… if someone sends you links and they don’t look right… double check before you give anyone remote access to your computer. It is extremely easy to gain prolong access to your computer if you just give me 10 secs of remote access to your computer. If you get a phone call from your ISP (cox or centurylink) then perhaps it may be a legitimate phone call, but VERIFY.

I also asked for a call back number, and he gave me: 201-234-4604, I did not try to call it.

I have been wanting a kayak for sometime now.  I posted on craigslist to trade my Toshiba Excite Tablet for a Kayak and received a response.  The kayak was far from new condition, but since I never used my tablet it was a no-brainer for me.  Also, got a new tent… I’m hoping we’ll get to camp before the summer is over.  Will probably be during the week tho.

Yet another post…

I absolutely lost track of how long its been.  I have lost all interest in this website.  Since I am no longer in the military and since I no longer serve overseas, there’s not really a need for it.

I am, however, revamping the entire website.  It is in much need of some maintenance and facelifts!  I’m getting rid of Concrete5 and migrating slowly to WordPress.  Now, keyword here is SLOWLY!  It’ll get done eventually.

Yet another Christmas is upon us. I’ve all but given up on this blog… But, it doesn’t really matter. Because I just made a post!

In fact. I often wonder if I’m just wasting my money on this website.  When I was active duty, it was really useful.  I would post pictures and video of what was going on while I was overseas.  Now, it just seems like I have to maintain it for no reason.  And pay ~$120/yr….

Anyway… Merry Christmas everyone!

It has been just over 6 months since my last post. Not that I’m counting. I have successfully completed my 1st semester of school and am half way through my second semester. Haven’t taken the 1st CompTIA certification test yet, but I’m going to take my A+ test soon. Keep saying soon. Of course sooner or later soon will be here… and I’ll do it.

Not ready to post anything else… so here it is…

