Category: Family
Post about my Family and I.
Merry Christmas everyone.
So very thankful for everything that I have right. As I sit here and sip on a martini and listen to some instrumental Christmas music, I find myself reflecting back on the many amazing Christmases I have had.
Although, I must admit that Christmas does not seem the same without all of my 4 kids here at home. With the boys gone, it just does not seem the same. But, such is life. I cannot keep them here forever.
2020 is going to be an amazing year! Many new things to come!
I’m truly looking forward to the new year! So much to come on the horizon! 2020 is going to be an amazing year! Very thankful to be in this position!
Merry Christmas everyone!
Tried to find some fossils in the creek at the farm:
Yet another post…
I absolutely lost track of how long its been. I have lost all interest in this website. Since I am no longer in the military and since I no longer serve overseas, there’s not really a need for it.
I am, however, revamping the entire website. It is in much need of some maintenance and facelifts! I’m getting rid of Concrete5 and migrating slowly to WordPress. Now, keyword here is SLOWLY! It’ll get done eventually.
It has been just over 6 months since my last post. Not that I’m counting. I have successfully completed my 1st semester of school and am half way through my second semester. Haven’t taken the 1st CompTIA certification test yet, but I’m going to take my A+ test soon. Keep saying soon. Of course sooner or later soon will be here… and I’ll do it.
Not ready to post anything else… so here it is…
Sure doesn’t seem like it’s 2012 already. I mean… couple of days ago it was only 2011…
For me, classes start next week. This time I’m taking 4 classes as I work toward my CompTIA certifications.
I’m super-excited to get this year going… thus far, this year has been GREAT!
As the year of the rabbit comes to an end, the year of the Dragon quickly approaches. 2011 was a good year, filled with many ups and downs, good times and bad times. 2011 seemed to last about as long as a decade. My medical board started around January and lasted until the end of October. So much has happened in this year, I’m not ready to write about it all now. As I adjust to retired life and prepare for my 2nd career, I find myself missing the camaraderie of my military brother and sisters. Although I’m glad I have moved on, especially when I think about the deployments and time away from family.
Anyway, enough about that. The kids had a good Christmas. Money is tight, but we’re surviving. We are together as a family and safe. We have much to be thankful for!
My thought are with our troops that are overseas! May you come home safe and sound!
2012 WILL BE A BETTER YEAR! And that’s that!
With only 7 days and counting until Christmas 2011, I must admit, this is among the worst Christmases ever. Although being deployed during Christmas was certainly not fun, Christmas without money is almost equally no fun. Retirement from the Air Force wasn’t what I expected. Getting my money is apparently not a priority of the Military.
I am, however, grateful that my family and I are all together and healthy. Yesterday, early in the morning a real close friend of mine died. The cause of the death is unknown; does not really matter. She was too young to die. Why does this happen? Who knows? Our families were supposed to spend time together this holiday. No family should ever have to go through this… This has been on my mind since I found out yesterday.
As the cursor blinks, the words seem to have frozen. Enough for now… ciao!
Yet another year is about to pass, as such, so should the old look. I was going for a “paper” look, to match the “theme” I have for my main site. Doesn’t really match, but it will work. It is my intention to write more in my blog in 2012.
I really hope 2012 to be a prosperous year for our family. We certainly need some prosperity! I will go back to school next month getting my computer certifications. North West Florida State College is my weapon of choice. I should come out with Comptia A+, Security+, Linux+, and Network+ and a College Certificate in IT Technology.